Archive for May 2024

Treat the Whole Patient

In the February 2024 edition of the Journal Cornea, Dr. Francesco Aiello and colleagues published a study that showed that there is an association between certain corneal diseases and a higher risk for some personality disorders. They recommend that ophthalmologists try to evaluate mental and emotional needs of their patients in addition to their eye…

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Xiidra vs. Restasis

In the January 2024 edition of the journal Cornea, Elyana Vittoria Tessa Locatelli et al. (under corresponding author Dr. Anat Galor) published a study comparing Xiidra to Restasis. Their method was to ask patients who had used both Restasis and Xiidra over the course of their history of treatment which one they preferred. Their results…

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Trapezoids and Squares

In the January 2024 edition of the Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Biyue Tu and colleagues published a study about different incision shapes in cataract surgery. When we take cataracts out, there is usually one “primary incision” that we do the cataract surgery through. There is often another “side-port incision” that is smaller than…

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Nothing Conclusive

In the January 2024 edition of JAMA Ophthalmology, Dr. Paul McCann and colleagues wrote a review article about dry eye treatment. They stated, “among reliable systemic reviews, no conclusive evidence was identified for any dry eye intervention.” What?! We can’t prove that we can do anything about dry eye? So we might as well do…

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