Will you be on TV?
Something that is on the horizon with cataract surgery is the use of “heads up” displays. Currently, the way I operate employs the use of a microscope that I look into during surgery. It is an actual physical microscope that is above the patient during surgery, and I look directly into the eyepieces.
This is how most people in the world currently operate on eyes. However, there is a movement toward capturing the image of the eye with a microscope and redirecting that image onto a large TV screen, i.e. the “heads up” display. Theoretically, it is nicer to be able to sit back and look at a screen rather than having to get your eyes into the eyepieces; with the TV, you can be in a number of subtly different postures and still see everything.
This certainly seems like a nice idea, but I’m not sure when it will be mainstream. Stay tuned!