
I have mentioned it before in my blog, but neovascularization is such a big problem when it happens that I can’t keep my mouth shut about it. The word is a combination of “neo” (meaning “new”) and “vascularization” (meaning growth of blood vessels). One of the major complications of diseases of the eye, especially retinal disease, is growth of new blood vessels.

Growth of new blood vessels? This is a problem? Doesn’t it seem that new blood vessels should be a good thing and not a bad thing?

Unfortunately, it is a VERY bad thing. New blood vessels that grow in the eye are fundamentally different than “old” blood vessels of the eye. These new blood vessels can bleed and leak in very bad ways. They can also distort and tear the tissue in which they grow.

So, if your eye doctor tells you that there are new blood vessels growing in your eye, take the treatment VERY seriously, because that is a problem that can quickly lead to permanent loss of vision.