Archive for January 2023

Toric Calculation

One component of a glasses prescription is the astigmatism. There is a lot more to astigmatism than how it manifests in a glasses prescription, but it is an informative simplification to think about it as part of the glasses prescription. The other major component of a glasses prescription is the degree of nearsightedness or farsightedness.…

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Caffeine And Dry Eye

It makes sense to me that hydration status is important to dry eye status. I often encourage patients to make sure that they are drinking water as part of a comprehensive approach to dry eye. As caffeine is a diuretic, its use doesn’t seem to be compatible with dry eye. In the February 2023 edition…

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I lost my record

Well… it probably was never my record in the first place. Years ago, I had a patient who had seen three previous ophthalmologists for eye discharge. I saw her, and I made a startling discovery–she had 14 contact lenses on her eye! Whether this was a record or not is unclear at best. In the…

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Men and Keratoconus

Keratoconus is a disease of the eye in which the cornea, the very front part of the eye, becomes misshapen. Specifically, the cornea becomes more and more cone-shaped. Dr. Tessnim Ahmad and colleagues published a study in the Journal Cornea in January 2023. Their study concerned correlates of progression of keratoconus. One of the findings…

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