Archive for July 2019

What do you believe?

I recently saw a video that said that we should all start with “why.” In the context of the video, it seemed to mean that we should tell people what we believe in, since that is what motivates us to do what we do. Rather than telling people “what” we do, we should tell them…

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Weill Marchesani

Recently, on an ophthalmology forum, I found a discussion about Weill Marchesani syndrome. It is an interesting disease. The most obvious part of the syndrome is that patients are short and stubby. It is amazing that patients also have a “short stubby” lens in their eye! Weill Marchesani patients have a lens that is smaller…

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WSJ Article on LASIK

Last year, there was an article in the New York Times about LASIK that did not seem appropriate to the community of ophthalmologists. This year, there is an article in the Wall Street Journal that is garnering the same kind of attention. One of the key things that the article posits is that neuropathic corneal…

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