Archive for May 2018

How big?

During cataract surgery, we have to create an entry point into the eyeball to do surgery inside the eye. There are different ways to make that entry, and there are different sizes that people use also! In modern cataract surgery, the size of this entry point is almost always smaller than 3mm. Sometimes it is…

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Iodine Allergy?

Sometimes we hear about patients who have allergy to iodine. However, this goes against some of the things that we learned in medical school. Our thyroid glands make hormones that contain iodine, which are important parts of regulating how our bodies work. So if it is such an important hormone, how can anyone be allergic…

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“Sleep in My Eye”

I recently saw someone who complained of crusting in her eye. “I always wake up with sleep in the corner of my eye!” Sleep in her eye? What’s going on here? What she meant was that she has crusting of dried mucoid secretions and lid scurf that accumulates in her eye. Typically people see the…

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Diabetes and Your Eye

Too often, I see patients who have vision problems due to BAD “diabetic retinopathy.” If a patient has a “retinopathy,” it means that something is wrong with the retina. If the retina problem is caused by diabetes (diabetic retinopathy), it most likely could have been prevented by better blood sugar control. Achieving good blood sugar…

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