Archive for October 2017

How do I know when I need cataract surgery?

Cataracts are considered a blinding disease, because, if they are not surgically removed, they will eventually lead to very poor vision. The key word here is “eventually,” because many people live their whole lives without undergoing cataract surgery. The way I think of it is that their other medical problems were worse than their cataract.…

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Oh I hate those dilating drops!

“Why do I need to be dilated?” It is a fair question. The basic answer is that we can’t get a good eye exam without dilation. Lately, cameras have advanced so that the parts of the eye that we can’t examine ourselves without dilation can sometimes be captured in a picture. Those pictures can show…

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Better 1 or 2?

One of the things that really gets some patients anxious is getting tested for glasses prescriptions. Often, people are unsure of what answers they should give if letters don’t look quite clear with either option presented. I have some tips for these situations. First, you should relax. If you answer in a non-optimal way and…

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“My eyes are tired”

I can’t tell you how frequently I have heard people who feel that their eyes are “tired.” But what does it mean for an eye to be tired? Certainly it doesn’t mean that your eyes have been exercising too much! Usually people mean that their eyes feel the same way that their eyes feel when…

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